Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Haus of Gloi 2015 Fall Release

I know, I know. HoG Yule is out, and has been for awhile. So why the hell are we talking about Autumn? First it was I didn't want to talk about what I got because I shopped HoG for my exchange partner during IMAM's Fall Exchange. I didn't want her to see and guess all the fabulous and good smelling stuff coming her way. While I was shopping for her, I snagged Blood Orange Marshmallow, a Bubbling Scrub in Pumpkin Queen, and a Vanilla Nag Champa Butter Bomb. Then, I snagged a few more Autumn scents in swaps. So we are talking about Autumn now because it is technically still Autumn, so there. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

sixteen92 Winter 2015

Sooooo I would have had this up ages ago, but my allergies decided it would be fun if I couldn't breathe through my nose for 5 days straight.  Fun times.  It didn't help that USPS held my Circle shipment hostage for an extra week.  I can't say as I blame them, since it smelled amazing before I even opened the package.  Also, it worked out nicely in that they got here in time for me to test them out on my mom again.  This isn't her first sixteen92 experience.  After smelling it, she made me buy her a full size of Goody Proctor and I've given her at least three of my freebie samples.  I think she has Black Sugar and Grimm.  It's been awhile so don't quote me on that. 

My Circle shipment consisted of the five Winter perfumes and a preview sample from the upcoming Holiday Collection of Candy Cane Mocha.   I was really glad I got that one because I wondered how it compared to Peppermint Hot Chocolate. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

NAVAlloween Part I

I've wanted to try Nocturne Alchemy for a little bit, but I never got around to it.  Then I was lured in by another decant circle.  I like decant circles: I get to try new things without committing to full sizes.  Also instead of agonizing over the full catalog, it's like: "This is all you get and you only have X amount of time to pick shit.  Hurry up."  I need a deadline or I'll hem and haw for ages.  I missed out on the last NAVA circle, which had Gardenia Crimson.  When I saw this was up and "add ons are welcome, leave a note in the box!" on the form and that I could get Gardenia Crimson as a sample still, I was all in.  

Besides GC, I picked up Black Crystalline Fig, Cemetery Ivy, Graveyard Dirt, and White Zinfandel.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Arcana Halloween 2015

Gods all bless decant circles.  I really wanted to pick up All of the Things from Arcana's Halloween release, but I couldn't afford to splurge on full sizes.  Thankfully, Angi of Ajevie's Circles ran a decant circle so I could pick up Most of the Things.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

sixteen92 Fall Bath & Body Mini Haul

I meant to have this one up weeks ago, but life has been crazy here.  I've been dealing with family drama, I have some of them staying with me for the next few weeks, and a little bit of depression brought on by the start of "Goddamn it's only 5pm and it's dark already" Season.   Things on the family scene have calmed down a little bit.  At least enough that I finally have time to work my way through the mountain of Fall stuff that I bought last month.    

So far I haven't spilled this one. *knock on wood*

I wasn't planning on picking up anything from the Fall Release.  That was because I forgot about the lotion only scents and the hair serum.  I'm still working my way through my Black Violet Detangling Spray; finding out Last Exit For the Lost was going to be one of the fall hair scents was what decided me.  I thought it may help me to finally use it up if I had some apple scented hair oil to use with it.  Along with the Supernatural Serum, I picked two minis so I could check out some lotion only scents.